Dr. Sanjoy Roy


Mailing address is: 
Damodar Medical Store, Malancha Road,
Kharagpur, West Medinipur,
West Bengal

Primary Care is your first stop for most health questions and concerns

At the Dr. Sanjoy Roy Dental Clinic, you can relax—you’re in good hands. Our commitment to your family is carried out in everything our Yellowknife dentists and staff do, from the friendly way we greet you when you call or come through our door, to the thorough, gentle way we conduct dental examinations. Our team of family dentists and specialists are eager to use our training to help keep you and your loved ones healthy.

I offer a soothing clinic environment with many creature comforts to help make your visit one you look forward to.

First Visit

Emergency Care

Patient Forms

Business Center

Damodor Medical Store, 
Malancha Road,
Kharagpur, West Medinipur, 
Pin - 721304